Truthfulness in the Philosophical-Fantasy Novel of Rainbow Secret

Document Type : Original Article



One of the works that has been published in recent years in the form of a philosophical-fantasy, which has attracted many readers, is one of the works by Jostein Gaarder’s Rainbow Secret novel. This novel has written after Sophie world, has a very strong relationship with the reader by utilizing the great experiences of the author. In this regard, the truthfulness element also played a very important role as an influential element. , as the author has succeeded in doing so is  very well. How to achieve this and the relationship with social knowledge, as well as the deep insight of the novel's creator on the culture, history, geography, and beliefs of the audience as important factors in the realm of truth and the expectation of credibility are of particular importance. In this article, using unique author's techniques has been investigated in order to find the crucial element of truthfulness, the effectiveness of each one has been studied separately.


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