Critical Discourse Analysis of the Story of Al-fogara by ehsan Abdul qodos (Reading Based on Norman fairclough's Critical Discourse)

Document Type : Original Article




The analysis of critical discourse is a metamorphosis in the structure of interdisciplinary critique Norman fairclough has tried to reveal the hidden angles of texts with a structuralist purpose. His intention is to re-read components such as the power and ideology behind it in producing the text. The process of describing the syntactic structure of the text is extracted and in the interpretive phase based on the underlying knowledge, the logic analysis is carried out. The final stage is the manifest that the social factors that played a role in the creation of the author's worldview are determined that is preconditions for the production of text. This research intends to recite the story of Al-foqara based on the model of fairclough's consensus. The ideology derived from the organization of the story tells the story of the lack of freedom of individuals it also shows wealth as a hidden power. so that each of the wrong items is displayed correctly.


Main Subjects

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