ررسی جلوه های گروتسک در آثار بهرام صادقی و اوژن یونسکو

Document Type : Original Article


University faculty member


Grotesque is a style in art and literature in which the audiences receive two incompatible senses of fear and laugh simultaneously. Nowadays, this concept describes the distressed and alienated world of contemporary human and represents the familiar world of a strange landscape that it's scary and ridiculous. Lack of coordination, extreme and exaggerated, abnormal and were laughing and frightening, the most striking features that makes a grotesque effect. Grotesque stories are divided into two types: one, grotesque stories with funny content and fear; the other, grotesque tales of horror and hate content. Grotesque has large extent in west literature and works of writers such as Franz Kafka, Samuel Beckett, Edgar Allan Poe, Franz Hauler. Grotesque stories, also has attracted the attention of some of Iranian fiction writers such as Sadegh Hedayat, Sadegh Choobak, Bahram Sadeghi, Gholam hossain Saedi and that their survey works can be achieved grotesque elements. The survey works Bahram Sadeghi and Eugene Ionesco, was the most grotesque elements found in this research, will be to look analytically at first the grotesque elements in the literature of the West and Iran and then to review its manifestations in the work of Ionesco and Sadeghi, as two prominent authors in the literature of the West and Iran to be done


Main Subjects

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